Community Guidelines

By joining the Peaky Baggers community, you commit to upholding our values and guidelines. We're more than just peak baggers – we're a community, a family. Let's lift each other up, one peak at a time.

Tread Lightly, Baggers

We're here for the peaks, not the litter! Remember the golden rule: Leave the mountains even prettier than you found 'em. No one likes a messy mountain mate.

All Peaks, Big or Small

Whether you're conquering the tiniest hill or the mightiest mountain, we're here for it! But remember, it's not a competition—unless you're racing yourself.

Pics or It Didn't Happen

Share your real moments. But if your mate claims they floated to the top, maybe ask for a pic (or a magic lesson).

Safety Swagger

Looking cool is great, but coming home safely is
even cooler.

High-Five Virtually

Celebrate every peak, even if it's virtually. Spread positivity like you spread that picnic blanket on a sunny peak.

Good Vibes Only

Got beef with a fellow Bagger? Let’s keep it off the peaks. This is a negativity-free altitude.

Mum's the Word

We all love a good secret, but personal details? Keep those locked up. Protect your fellow Baggers' privacy like it's buried treasure.

No Cheat Peaks

Earning XP is like climbing - better when it's done right! Keep it honest, folks.

See Something? Say Something!

If something feels off, give us a shout. We've got your back (pack)

All Are Welcome at Base Camp

Every Bagger, no matter their story, deserves a place by the campfire. Let’s make everyone feel at home.